Monday, October 7, 2013

Beaucon Vibrant Match Gray Contacts Review

Not gonna lie I had very high expectations for these contacts - mostly because I wanted to find a very good pair of gray-colored contacts.

First these contacts have a blue undertone to them when personally I think they should have a white undertone. It may not seem like that big of a deal to most but when anyone ever sees the contacts they always go: 'Those are pretty blue contacts!' These contacts are supposed to be gray not blue

From a distance they look much better than up close since up close you can obviously tell I am wearing a contact, as I said in an earlier review I prefer more natural looking contacts and Circle Lenses are no exception for me.

Another problem is how flimsy the contact is. Currently I only own GEO and Beaucon contacts and I've realized differences with the contact itself. Beaucon contacts are much easier to accidentally flip inside out, flip on itself so it's in half and is harder to put in my eye (it keeps staying attached to my finger and refuses to stay in my eye or it curls up so it's folded on my eye) and pinch when it comes to taking it out of my eye.

Overall I actually DO like these contacts a lot! But as blue contacts. So if anyone wants a light blue contact I would go for this!

Rating: 6/10

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